Welcome to A Hot Piece of Glass!

WELCOME to my colorful corner of the world! I write here about the things I make, in glass, fiber, metals, and whatever else I can find to play with!

**And if you want to read more about me, check out Adventures In Living!, my personal blog, or The ScooterMom, where I write about my adventures on two wheels! If you're interested in medieval, ancient and Renaissance glass, check out my history blog, The Medieval Glassworker!**

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Thinking pink! (I'm in love with Bullseye Glass!)

I am not necessarily a PINK person. I grew up with pink, had a pink room pretty much my entire childhood, and then just grew out of my pink. As a rule, I tend not wear or look good in pastels. Too wimpy for me, not enough color strength. So I abandoned pink in favor of black (ha! so hip!), blues and reds. As I got older, I realized it wasn't so much pink itself that was the problem, but the pastel shades I had always had on or around me. So I moved to more saturated versions of pink and lo and behold, there is fuchsia! And Cranberry Pink! And bubblegum pink, and violet-pink!


As a glassworker, I have been desperately trying to make beads that go with some of my favorite hot pink wire, but I could never get the right shade. Until now!

It was suggested I try Bullseye glass rods, which is a different type of glass than I am currently using -- a bit harder, and stiffer to work in the flame. I ordered a single rod of each of several colors to try them out...and here is the result of last night's first try with the pinks and orange and green:
LOOK AT THAT! Those beautiful, transparent, DEEP colors! No crud on the beads from the torch flame, no greying out of the color or burning of the glass itself. Woo!

And they all go perfectly with the pink and purple wire I bought a while back. Look out, world, I am gonna be making some pink jewelry this season!

I mean, seriously, LOOK at that color!


Pretty Things said...

I love BullsEye, too! Rick bought me their one-of-every-color sampler for Christmas!

Ella said...

I am interested in what you do with the pinks as potential gifts. Love the industrial revolution line, by the way.

steufel said...

I'm so afraid of using boro. Perhaps I should give it a try...regards Stefanie


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