Welcome to A Hot Piece of Glass!

WELCOME to my colorful corner of the world! I write here about the things I make, in glass, fiber, metals, and whatever else I can find to play with!

**And if you want to read more about me, check out Adventures In Living!, my personal blog, or The ScooterMom, where I write about my adventures on two wheels! If you're interested in medieval, ancient and Renaissance glass, check out my history blog, The Medieval Glassworker!**

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Today is a better day. Actually it was better last night, particularly after I did a session on the exercise bike with my mp3 player cranked up really loud. It's amazing what throwing your weight around for a while will do for your head. :)

So, today I am working on a wire pendant of the Celtic tree of life. I'll post a picture if it comes out looking anything like a tree.

Also in the works today is some Viking knit. I loves me some Viking knit -- not just for the decorative properties, or for the incredible design opportunity it offers, but because I love love LOVE having a small handcraft that I can tuck in my purse and carry around with me. Long car rides (when I am NOT driving!), waiting to pick up a child, hanging out at the park while the kids play...all of these situations are perfect for a small handcraft. Sometimes I lucet-braid, but if I am going to be at all sticky, sweaty, or in danger of little-kid fingers, I don't work with fibers. Nope, wire is perfect, and colored wire is even MORE perfect!

Most people apparently work their Viking knit over an Allen key, but frankly, I don't understand how that works, and I don't really get why you would do that. I think a dowel is just fine, and MY particular dowel is even better (of course). It was made for me by a friend who is also a jeweler. You'll probably recognize it as a former wooden spoon! The best part is the built-in drawplate at the end of it!
See? Isn't that cool? I love working on this, and since I have had and used it over the last two years or so, the wood has gotten nicely smoothed and well-worn. Perfect.

Anyway, my oldest daughter is enrolled in a spring break art program at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, and I have to get her there today and tomorrow, so off I go!

But before I go....tell me....Do you carry any handcrafts with you when you're out and about?......

Have a great day everyone!


Unknown said...

I don't carry any hand crafts, but basically because I don't *do* them. The repetitive nature of knitting, embroidering, etc really doesn't appeal to me.

Jessica on the other hand, always seems to have something going...

Christine said...

Kevin, I'd be surprised if Jessica didn't have something going all the time! :)

Somehow, it sticks in my mind that you have done leatherwork before...am I right, or am I just ascribing leatherwork to all SCAdian men?

Anonymous said...

You know me. I tend to either have knitting or a book - mostly because nothing else I do is portable. If I get bored I eat so boredom is not an option. :-)

Cindy said...

I really want to learn Viking knit! I bought a beautiful bracelet from Anne Mitchell at Bead Fest that is part Viking knit. There's a new tool out that was on the showroom floor...but it's beyond me until I know what I'm doing! :-)


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