Welcome to A Hot Piece of Glass!

WELCOME to my colorful corner of the world! I write here about the things I make, in glass, fiber, metals, and whatever else I can find to play with!

**And if you want to read more about me, check out Adventures In Living!, my personal blog, or The ScooterMom, where I write about my adventures on two wheels! If you're interested in medieval, ancient and Renaissance glass, check out my history blog, The Medieval Glassworker!**

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Watch This Space

I'll be back later this week with an update. I just got home from spending the week in my hometown (Rochester, NY) in order to attend the funeral for my Uncle John. I'm tired and emotionally spent and still wearing my pajamas at noon on Saturday, so I need a bit of time to spend with my kids and husband, since I had left them at home.

I promise pix of pretties soon.

1 comment:

Laura Twiford said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your Uncle. Being surrounded now with your loved ones will be the best to lift your spirits. Take Care and rest.


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