*Got to get back in the saddle this week and get stuff listed in the shop.
*Don't know the outcome yet of the show I had work in this weekend. Hope it was decent! From all reports, the traffic was good, and sales numbers were not too shabby.
*The hotel room we had was terrible. Ugh. Awful. Thank GOD we only stayed one night.
*I've been thinking a lot about how to move my business up to the next level....what exactly that entails, what I *want* it to be like...what I can plan for next year, how to manage the finances so it's self-supporting...
*All this thinking can be exhausting, and overwhelming.
*I forgot to show you all my Halloween necklace this year....and it didn't make it into the shop because I was...well, I forgot...and I like the necklace so I might keep it.
*Hoping for some studio time later today, but so far, it's not looking good.
*I feel terribly disorganized today.
*But, there's potato soup cooking away in the crock pot. That's a good thing.
Some days are like that, you just need to go with it and by tomorrow you will probably feel more like getting in the studio and being creative. Some days you just need to regroup and recharge! Go easy on yourself today. Love the colors on the halloween necklace BTW
What a busy weekend! Hope you had great sales at the show...that's always really encouraging and motivating for me.
Moving the business forward...that's a fence post that I sit on a lot. Overwhelming, frustrating, just plain exhausting. Good Luck!
Sounds like your family trip to NC was a lot of fun - and with all that great food involved, a winner! Can't believe I was literally in your neck of the woods! :-)
Love your Halloween necklace - I'd keep it too!
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