Welcome to A Hot Piece of Glass!

WELCOME to my colorful corner of the world! I write here about the things I make, in glass, fiber, metals, and whatever else I can find to play with!

**And if you want to read more about me, check out Adventures In Living!, my personal blog, or The ScooterMom, where I write about my adventures on two wheels! If you're interested in medieval, ancient and Renaissance glass, check out my history blog, The Medieval Glassworker!**

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Been awhile....again...

Ok, so here I am again. Sorry for the interruption!

I've got some new work to show off, so here goes....first up, a custom order for a parent of a child at one of the girls' private schools here. Twenty-five daisy beads.

The client also ordered another twenty-five of the same beads, so I have to get those done this week.

I also did a custom order for the director of a local preschool, who wanted beads to incorporate into appreciation gifts for her teachers. Those turned out like this:

I'm doing the Market at St. Stephen's Church this year. It's on Grove Ave, across from St. Catherine's School, if you're local to Richmond. Come and see me!

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